Our extensive experience with large-scale, complex projects ensures that your project will benefit from our best practice solutions.
We provide a full range of expert services for all project phases, ranging from initial public involvement to final implementation.
Here is a sample list of the types of projects
for which we have provided expert services:
- Illinois Flood Map Modernization Business Plan, prepared for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- DeKalb County, DuPage County, Livingston County, McHenry County and Randolph County Hazards Mitigation Plan, prepared for the listed Illinois counties and participating municipalities
- Lake County All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, prepared for Lake County, Illinois, and municipalities
- Community Rating System Programs for the Insurance Services Office, Inc., for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program
- DeKalb County Evergreen Village Mitigation Project prepared for DeKalb County, Illinos
- City of Chicago Hazard Mitigation Plan, sub-consultant to the City of Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications
- Cook County Stormwater Management Plan and Cook County Watershed Management Ordinance, sub-consultant to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
- Little Calumet River and Lower Des Plaines River Detailed Watershed Plans, sub-consultant to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
- Lake County Flood Audits and Acquisition Projects, for Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
- Kane County, Repetitive Loss Areas Plan, prepared for the Kane County Department of Environmental Management with associate firm of French & Associates, Ltd.